We don’t just sound the alarm

I just saw a very funny commercial.  Almost as funny as the one from Geico with the mom calling the James Bond-like son during a high pressure situation and wanting to talk to him about the squirrel infestation at the parental home.  I want to say right up front that I would never do something [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Community, Introspections|0 Comments

Resources in sunny climes

Have I mentioned that I just returned from sunny California?  It was a huge sacrifice to leave Wyoming in March for the Bay Area but one must make sacrifices for one’s professional development.  Call me the sacrificial lamb.  Baaa.  I headed to the land of fruits and nuts (or vineyards and palm trees) to attend [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Community, Introspections|0 Comments
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